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The last president that was shot was Reagan. Let’s keep it like that!


Is Donald Trump getting some of his own medicine? In the country where everyone can buy a weapon based on the second amendment you need a good security if you show a rather striking behavior as new president of the United States. In the election campaign Trump called out, or even hinted, that the second amendment could be a solution to his problem with Hillary Clinton. Is he getting some of his own medicine?

Politicians as a target

Of course it is not desirable that the assassination attempt on Reagan is repeated. Unfortunately you have in every country always people who think very different about things and take the law into its own hands. Unfortunately, America has a reputation of having murderous attacks on politicians. Itself in our excellently laid back country we have examples of killings with fatal outcome, such as the killings of Pim Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh with a political background.

Controversial way of doing

Trump won the elections by the number of electors. Not by the number of votes. Like Al Gore, who had more votes than George Bush, but fewer electors. Fine. This is how their system works. Trump needs to go to work and he will encounter very much resistance. His controversial way of doing, is not appreciated by many Americans and abroad. The results is friction and negative responses and that is what was seen on tv immediately after his election. The secret service has a lot to do the next four years.

Above all, let us hope that the second amendment or any group will be no reason to repeat history in a negative way.

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Photo credit: idccollage via / CC BY-SA

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