Waveya is a South Korean dance group with 5 beautiful dancers. Enjoy this video with these girls. It combines classical music with modern dance. Photo credit: Bengin Ahmad /
Amsterdam is een prachtige stad en als Amsterdammer verbaas je je vaak over de hoeveelheid aan leuke en nieuwe initiatieven, die Amsterdam te bieden heeft op gastronomisch
In this video you will make a tour through the house of Anne Frank. It will give you a good impression of the interior. Photocredit: Amsterdam
Donderdag 10 september jl. is op een feestelijke wijze het bekende restaurant De Kersentuin heropend. Vele mensen uit Amsterdam en omstreken waren uitgenodigd om deel te
This beautiful video shows you from the cockpit the view of the pilots when a plane lands on Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. Watch it and enjoy yourself with this nice video.
In this video you will learn a lot about Amsterdam. You will learn where to go and what you can do in Amsterdam. Watch this video and you will have enough information about
De charmante Japanse eigenares Azumi Uchitani van de in Bussum gesitueerde gallery “Japanese Salon” geeft les in het kalligraferen van Japanse tekens.
Mariska Majoor of Amsterdam’s Prostitution Information Center and former red light district worker talks about the Dutch system of legal prostitution, legal vs illegal,
From August 19 till August 23 2015 there was held in Amsterdam the beautiful nautical event Sail Amsterdam 2015. Every 5 year this event full of old tall ships is held in the
If you want to learn more about Amsterdam than watch this lovely video of Rick Steves. He will show you mutch about Amsterdam and her history. Have fun watching this video