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How about your skin on your 30th, 40th and 50th?


Did you know the average person lose every minute (!) some thirty-to forty thousand dead skin cells? That is four and a half pounds of chips los per year. As you grow older, cell renewal slows down and also the process by which the dead skin cells are repelled. Healthy skin renews itself every three to five weeks, an aging skin can do that in about two months. It is no wonder, that your skin feels regularly so rough. Add to that the irreversible genetic aging and you might not have always a healthy lifestyle, then you understand that your skin does not feel like a baby skin anymore.

Sometimes you feel that those aging signs strike within one night. So you go to bed satisfied yet with a smooth forehead and so you wake up the next day with a wrinkle. Or you see all of a sudden that the lines under your eyes also remain visible if you don’t laugh. This happens of course not all of a sudden, the process was already longer subcutaneous going on, and now it’s just become visible. A well-known example of the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back…

If you are wondering how your skin will develop themselves further, then there are two ways to verify that. First of all: look at your face when it is completely emotionless and then expresses joy, anger or sadness. On those places in the face where the skin is tightened significantly, wrinkles and fine lines will increase further. The same goes for the lines in your face you see when you are tired. The second method is to take a good look at the face of your parents. Chances are that your face will age the same way.

Your skin on your 30th, 40th and 50th


From your thirties on the cell functions of the skin will decrease. Cell renewal is already slower, the firmness of the subcutaneous connective tissue is already a bit less. As a result, more visible pores are shown. Here and there a first pigment stain appears. The line between the nose and lips is something more visible and can give a light shade. When you smile, the lines on your forehead and around your eyes are visible, but go away when stop smiling.


The first wrinkles are already there, but the first signs of sagging are now also visible. Starting from the mouth to the jaw line, and starting from the forehead to the eyelids. The density of the collagen and elastin that keep the skin ersilient is less. In addition, the ability of the cells to retain moisture is less strong. As a result, the skin also loses volume. Pigmented lesions due to a life long of sun are more visible, laugh-and stress lines as well. In the pre-menopausal stage you can also observe all hormonal changes in the skin. The skin may be dryer or fatter, but sometimes with pimples as a result.


Estrogen has a significant impact on the firmness of the skin. Because the production decreases, the skin will become drier and rougher. The amount of subcutaneous fatty tissue diminishes. As a result, the cheeks bag out, which becomes visible in a slacker jaw line and cheeks like a hamster. The chin is pointier. The corners of the mouth are pointing down, the lips become narrower. At the same time  hair growth in the face can increase and the skin can suffer from acne or red with pimples (rosacea).

Photo credit: Charisma: / Foter / CC BY-SA

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