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september 2015

Time lapse video about Sail Amsterdam 2015

05/09/2015 // 0 Comments

From August 19 till August 23 2015 there was held in Amsterdam the beautiful nautical event Sail Amsterdam 2015. Every 5 year this event full of old tall ships is held in the [...]

Video: Rick Steves tells about Amsterdam

05/09/2015 // 0 Comments

If you want to learn more about Amsterdam than watch this lovely video of Rick Steves. He will show you mutch about Amsterdam and her history. Have fun watching this video [...]

Bloedgabbers uit de Amsterdamse penose

05/09/2015 // 0 Comments

Verbrande Herman, Rooie Jos, Dikke Bobbie en Jantje van Amsterdam zijn  uit de Amsterdamse penose. Regisseur Roy Dames filmt hun ups en downs sinds begin jaren ’90. De [...]
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